Straighten A Bent Penis Without Surgery

Medically reviewed by Leonard N. Zinman, MD, FACS, FRCS

Fix Your Bent Penis Safely and Easily

learn the best
medically endorsed
non-surgical methods

straighten a bent penis without surgery

fix a bent penis without surgery

A bent penis is a real shocker for most of us.

It sneaks up on us. Usually in mid life.

It ruins our sex life, our self esteem, our general happiness, and causes quite a lot of depression. Right?

When we go looking for a solution, there are often too many. A lot of them don’t work. So, we get even more frustrated.

And, surgery on our penis scares us. Especially when we learn of all the possible horrible side effects.

So what can we do?

fix a bent penis safely and easily

You Can Straighten Your Penis
Without Surgery

The website is designed to help the every day man understand exactly what is going on when he develops a bent penis. Peyronies disease. Most of our articles have been medically reviewed.

This website will also tell you about a bent or curved penis that may be congenital (from birth) or one caused by an autoimmune disease or medication side effect.

In any case, the first piece of information you will learn here is:

A bent penis is easy to fix 99% of the time.
Without surgery, injections, or drugs.

How does that make you feel?

A little more hopeful?

fix a peyronies disease bent penis safely and easily

You Can Reverse the Erectile Dysfunction
Caused by a Bent Penis

Here you’ll also learn that a bent penis can, and often does, cause ED (erectile dysfunction).

So, if you’re experiencing Erectile Dysfunction along with Peyronies disease, you’ll learn that straightening your erection out again is the only thing that you may need to correct the ED that it caused.

Yes, erectile dysfunction can be caused by both physical and emotional circumstances. Peyronies disease, a bent penis, can be the culprit in both situations.

You’ll Get All The
Most Up to Date Medical Information

you can fix a bent penis

When we developed this website for you, we wanted to provide you with not only practical information on how to fix a bent or curved penis, we wanted you to be able to read the medical research that the information comes from.

Medical journals and writings are usually very difficult for the non-medical man to read.


They have a lot of their own language and vocabulary.

Most people I know (men and women), with college degrees, will put a medical essay or report down after the first paragraph or two and not have any idea what it was saying.


It’s the language. The language and vocabulary are so different from normal English that it just makes no sense to regular people.

You’ll Get This Information
In Plain English

At we want you to be able to have all the research information so that you can make the best possible choice for your own personal Peyronies disease treatment.

We translate the medical findings into common ordinary conversational English, and, give you the medical references for that information so that you can read the original documents if you want.

Yes, we do believe that most bent penises (99%) can be fixed without a surgery.

But, there are cases that will require surgery, and, for the few men that require surgery, we will be telling you what the different surgical options are. We will also explain their particular benefits and possible side effects.


William Zmachinsky

Hello. My name is William Zmachinsky, PhD. I am the editor of the website.  If you have any questions or comments for me, please feel free to send them here.

Now, first I’m going to send you to our “About Us” page. There you will see who we are at, and where you should begin.

Be In Good Health…..

~ William (editor)